Support The Vote
In North and South Carolina, just six in 10 eligible voters cast a ballot in the 2016 election. In 2018, that number was less than half. With COVID-19 making voter registration efforts even harder in 2020 — those numbers may be even lower as the challenges we’ve faced in 2020 could make it harder to get to the polls. That's not OK.
As each of our favorite teams have launched initiatives to help educate and engage voters for the 2020 election, we as supporters of not just the Charlotte sports clubs, but everything that happens in our city and state, want to help do our part. That’s why we’ve organized “Support The Vote”, a non-partisan initiative with two goals:
- Register fans of Charlotte sports teams to vote ahead of the November 3rd election, specifically during an in-person event at NoDa Brewing October 8th with the help of You Can Vote NC. Noda Brewing will donate $1 to the Roaring Riot Foundation for each pint purchased on October 8th and the Roaring Riot will match that amount to You Can Vote NC.
- Encourage fans to vote early during an in-person meetup outside of Bank of America Stadium on October 17th before heading in to use our collective voice and exercise our rights as fans and citizens - by voting at the place where our favorite football teams play each weekend. This meetup will have food and drinks provided by the Roaring Riot and Mint City Collective with the aim of driving as many voters as possible to the polls regardless of their political affiliation.
This is a joint effort from multiple supporter groups in Charlotte, including the Roaring Riot, Mint City Collective, Bring Back The Buzz, Jack’s Militia, and Queen City Royals.
We support our favorite teams. Now let’s support the vote.
Carolina Panthers - Your Vote Counts
Charlotte Hornets - Swarm The Polls