In 2015 we obtained our 2,000th member of the Roaring Riot on December 16th. In 2016 we have crossed the 2,000th member threshold on June 21st. Think about that….it’s six weeks before the start of training camp and we’re less than 200 members shy of passing our final mark from last year – and we did it six months earlier. That’s amazing and we couldn’t be more proud.
It truly is incredible to see the level of commitment from so many of you to do your part to unite our fanbase - to meet new fans in all areas of the world and welcome them into our family – to cheer on our Panthers as loudly as you can while still maintaining a high level of respect for the game and for everyone at the stadium. We’ve been using the term “Change the Culture” for several years. It’s safe to say that it’s happening and that you all are the reasons why. We’re strong – we’re loud – we’re respectful – we stand behind our team and for each other no matter what – and we’re growing, fast. We’re doing it the right way. And I know for a fact that Mr. Richardson and Mr. Morrison agree – they’ve told me.
However, we’ve got a long way to go and we’re not even close to being done. We’ve got a chance to create some magic this season – on and off the field. It’s going to be a fun ride going for 51 for 51. We’re ready!
To show our appreciation for everyone who has made the commitment this year to “Change the Culture” and to celebrate reaching 2,000 members, we decided that we’re going to give everyone who registered (or registers) in May and June the opportunity to win $275 in Roaring Riot credit. That credit can be used for away game trips, in the Roaring Riot store, or for memberships.
Here’s how it’s going to work:
+At the end of the day on June 30th we are going take all of the names of the members who have registered for a 2016 membership and enter them into a spreadsheet.
+On July 1st at 10a we are going to enter all of those names into an online random name generator.
+The random name generator will select three members who will receive the prizes of $200, $50, and $25 in Roaring Riot credit.
+This whole process will take place on Facebook live so that all of you can participate and see in real time who the winners are.
Again…. we appreciate all of you for helping us “Change the Culture” and we’re excited to get this season ramped up with some Panthers football in a few weeks. #DoYouRiot #WeDoThis #ChangeTheCulture