Tuesday 9/6: If you're headed out to Denver early we have a good group going to the Rockies game. We're meeting up at Breck on Blake at 5:30p to gather and walk into the game together.
Wednesday 9/7: All Panthers fans are welcome to join all of our events on Wednesday (and all week for that matter). Those who have purchased Full or Entertainment packages will have bracelets to get the group drink specials.
- 6p-8p - The Mile High Cats party at Shelby’s. Those who have purchased Full or Entertainment packages will enjoy beers and Panthers blue Jell-O shots (a MHC TD celebration tradition) on the Roaring Riot tab. If you've never partied with the MHCs then you're not going to want to miss this party. You may just learn a new Panthers chant while you're there.
- Roaring Riot LoDo Bar Crawl
- 8p-9:30p - Sidecar
- 9:30p-11p - Larimer Beer Hall
- 11p - until - Gin Mill
Thursday 9/8: The Roaring Riot/Panthers Fans Official Tailgate party at the Lobby. ALL Panthers fans are welcome to come and tailgate at the Lobby and hang with other Panthers fans in Denver.
- 2p - Party gets started. Special thanks to New Belgium Beer for being our tailgate beer sponsor!
- 4:30p-6:30p - Shuttles to the stadium. You must be wearing a Roaring Riot Mile High Takeover bracelet to hop on a shuttle to the game. If you don't have a bracelet then it's a short Uber/cab to the stadium.
- After the game we'll meet back over at Shelby's for the celebration party!