On behalf of the union of the Roaring Riot, the Queen City Riot is very excited to announce that this season's Tailgate With a Purpose events have raised $13,000 for the Cam Newton Foundation. The $13,000 total matches the amount raised by the events during the 2015 season.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors and volunteers who helped make the events possible - we truly could not have done this without all of you! Also thank you to all of our members who attended the tailgates and donated appropriately to help us reach this level of fund raising from the events. You should all feel very proud to be a part of this contribution to CNF.
We're looking forward to the 2017 season events and making an even larger impact in our community! Details for the upcoming season will be released in a few months
Please help us thank our sponsors by visiting their businesses whenever possible.
Tailgate With A Purpose Partner: Wilmar Leasing
Beer Sponsor: NoDa Brewing Company
Cocktail Sponsor: Jack Daniel's
Wine Sponsor: Barefoot Wines
Presenting Sponsor: Scott Clark Toyota
Network- Vehicle Maintenance Management
Special thanks to Dilworth Neighborhood Grille for providing us with delicious food!
Tailgate with a Purpose is a not-for-profit tailgate produced by the members of the Queen City Riot at all of the Panthers' home games for the members of the Roaring Riot, friends and partners of Wilmar Leasing, and their guests. 100% of the funds raised from the events benefit the selected charity.
The Cam Newton Foundation is committed to enhancing the lives of youth by addressing their educational, physical and social needs.